About Us
Hello everyone! Welcome to BZMOMMY!
A little self introduction - I am a mommy with two beautiful girls. Back to the days when the girls were in pre-school, I had to think of ways to engage them at home (you know, to keep them away from excessive use of mobile devices and TVs) . One day when we were out of things to do together at home, we decided to explore some fun in the kitchen. There are so much fun in the kitchen - baking, cooking, bento making and even cleaning sounds fun to the girls! That was the start of many bonding moments and this online store in 2013, and all these made me a happily busy mommy, hence a BZMOMMY.
Check out my personal blog,, for some of the fun things we did together!
Fast forward to today, the girls are busy with their formal school education. It's time to enjoy my own space while they are in school.
I sincerely hope this little store helps parents or individuals like you create beautiful lunch box and memories for your love ones. Our range of bento accessories and kitchen utensils help to make this possible with minimal time and effort. The young ones can engage with food prep together by using our kids safe kitchen utensils too!
Hope the products we curate in this store brings smiles to you. These products are, after all, stuff that keep us happily busy.